Family Meals Challenge
Download worksheetDid you know family connections can increase by as much as 50% just by eating meals together?? Building connections and spending quality time with your family is important.
Let us help you understand why your family should prioritize meal time:
- They allow time to connect, share values, and problem solve as a family.
- Eating together at the same time or on certain days provides structure.
- Traditions are created at the table.
- Strong correlation of improvement for self-esteem, connectedness, communication and problem solving is benefited at family meal time.
- Children develop better eating habits when they eat alongside adults.
Make the most of your time together! When eating a meal together, it is important to be present and engage with your family. Here are some ideas and questions to get the conversation started:
- Go around and talk about your favorite moment of day, what made you proud, etc.
- Create a jar of topics or questions to keep at the table and take turns choosing and discussing.
- Take turns playing games like “Would you rather?”, “True or False?”, or “What did you see?”
- Cook the meal together! It’s a great opportunity to learn how to navigate the grocery store or kitchen and how to follow a recipe
Not sure how to start involving your children at mealtime? Check out KidsFit in the Kitchen with the Hy-Vee Dietitians!
Now that you know why family meals matter, try challenging your family to eat more meals together this month with the Hy-Vee KidsFit Family Meals Tracker Challenge.
Here’s how you do it!:
- Print off our Family Meals Tracker
- Think of your favorite family meal and draw it on the plate
- Mark a tally each time you eat a meal with your family this month
- Submit your challenge HERE
Related Resources

Family Friendly Meals
| Join in the Hy-Vee Dietitians as we explore how to make Family Friendly Meals! These meals will be easy-to-make, tasty-to-eat, and fun for the whole family! Enjoying meals as a family can improve our grades in school, our mental health, and our relationships.
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| Learn all about snacking with from the Hy-Vee Dietitians with Snack Attack! Healthy snacking is linked to healthier minds and bodies. Create delicious snack combo in the kitchen that will satisfy your next ‘snack attack.” See more Snack Attack Education from our Hy-Vee Dietitians here: https://hy-veekidsfit.com/kidsfit-in-the-kitchen/snack-attack/
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Snack Attack
| Learn all about snacking with from the Hy-Vee Dietitians with Snack Attack! Healthy snacking is linked to healthier minds and bodies. Create delicious snack combo in the kitchen that will satisfy your next ‘snack attack.
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